MegaAccy will never stop to improve our capability for better Service.
Our main business is consulting for manufacturers or suppliers from overseas regarding market survey and strategy development (competitor analysis, target sales channel, developing customer information, sales strategy, marketing strategy, brand strategy…)
We are proud to be a leader in the consulting services industry to the most promising small and medium-sized Korean companies.» Read more..
MegaAccy is one of the most talented and experienced export-related consulting service companies in the United States. We are relatively new in providing consulting services but have long been in export-import business and marketed various products to US mass merchandisers. Our expertise in doing business with American companies and strong commitment to our customers ensures that we are doing everything we can to be the best at what we do. We are strong enough to pool tremendous expertise and vast business network strength, but are detailed to the core in each industry. We are well positioned to meet the needs of our customers and the business environment in which we work. Our experience translates to leadership, as we are consistently striving to be the best at what we do. As water makes its journey from its source to big ocean, we will help you to make inroads into the world’s largest market. We take our role very seriously, and strive to deliver innovative solutions and reliable services to our customers.
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Due to our position as a fact-based consultancy we partner you through all areas of market research,» Read more..
from product and price through to sales and trend. You will find an overview of selected topics and questions that we can support you with below. Market potential analysis What potential do my products have in the market and from which target group will they get a response? Market structure analysis and market entry strategy What are my target markets and how can we enter the market successfully? Market segmentation Which obvious segments exist amongst my customers and where should we be considering their needs on an individual basis? Competitor analysis How is my company positioned compared to the competition? Product and service optimization What features will make an optimum product? Brand and communication research Which attributes fit my brand and how can I strengthen them? Is my communication getting across effectively; is it efficient and does it support the positioning of my company? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) How do I optimize my customer relationship to ensure companywide success? How satisfied are my customers and how can I generate loyalty?
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Not that long ago, the world was supposed to be flat. Hardly a day passed without references to globalization» Read more..
and “borderless markets.” This led many policymakers and business leaders to jump on the bandwagon of open globalization, treating all interconnection among countries as equally beneficial. But this perception that “the world is flat” was so exaggerated that it is fair to call it “globaloney.” The last few years — of financial crises, weak growth, and mounting protectionist pressures — have demonstrated that the world is far less connected than it appeared to be. The real world is roughly only 10 to 25 percent globalized. Most of the activities that could take place either across or within national borders are still domestic, and the international flows that exist vary widely among countries, industries, and types of business interactions. Now the trend is toward localization. The same policymakers and business leaders who once sought universal openness are focusing their investment, attention, and effort within their own home countries. Few of them, however, have actually measured the level of globalization that exists in their country; fewer still have quantified the untapped potential for growth in their countries. If they had, they would recognize that they need increased global connection, even more than before — but in a smarter, more conscious, more considered form. In plotting a course toward smarter integration, the differences among countries matter a great deal. Two attributes merit special consideration. The first is global depth. When used to describe a country’s interactions, it refers to the magnitude of international flows — of goods, labor, information, and capital — relative to the size of its domestic economy. In other words, an economy’s depth represents how much of it is devoted to exports or imports. Because international trade and investment are generally beneficial, the practical prescription for most countries is to work toward increasing their depth. The other important dimension of global connectedness is breadth, which is the extent to which a country’s international trade flows are spread out globally versus confined to a particular set of partner nations. Breadth can be too great or too small: Some countries would benefit from more diversification whereas others could gain more from greater focus. But although the particulars may vary, the general rule holds true around the globe: By strategically increasing international connectedness, political leaders have the potential to unleash tremendous economic and social gains.
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Partnerships are considered one of the most effective mechanisms to implement sustainable business development» Read more..
in today’s market environment. MegaAccy has been building partnerships with businesses, trade organizations and governments to effectively carry out faith-based international trade deals. These partnerships are providing smarter, faster and safer ways to realize our customers’ goal to expand their market in borderless way. The world is getting smaller and smaller and its market is getting closer and closer. But we often see so many companies benefit nothing from this trend due to the lack of necessary help. Our primary goal of doing this consulting service is to build a good and right partnership between unknown parties who may need each other badly. Now, international partnerships are essential to everybody for the growth and diversification of product lines. In some sense, today’s success depends heavily on how to operate our business effectively in teams with partners from different nations and cultural backgrounds. Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, is known to work with 100,000 suppliers from all over the world and sell millions of products. The company might be a lot different without international partnerships and its customers would have to pay way more for the same or similar products. If you want to supply your products to big name companies like Walmart, Costco, Best Buys and Home Depot, you better keep in mind that we, MegaAccy, are here to be your right partner to achieve your dream together.
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To be successful in the US market, you need to learn about your customers, your competitors and your industry.» Read more..
Market research is the necessary process of analyzing data to help you understand which products and services are in demand, and how to be competitive. Market research can also provide valuable insight to help you reduce business risks, spot current and upcoming problems in your industry and indentify sales opportunities. It can reduce business risks, spot current, upcoming problems in your industry and identify sales opportunities. You’ll find a wealth of information resources compiled by our consultants during the past market research activities and market penetration efforts. The fundamental research resources are industry and market data company and competitor data consumer and demographic data retail and distribution data. All the resources can be offered to you at your request. If you want to review the full list of the resources, please send an e-mail about your company and contact Information to us at ‘Contacts’ of this site.
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Marketing Survey

Customer Development

Customizing Marketing Material

Brand Strategy Development